Exceptional Lawn Aeration in Mebane
Is your Lawn in Need of Aeration? Find Out With Free Inspection

Bring Your turf back to life with aeration and seeding services from Superior Green today.

Lawn Aeration in Mebane

Even our most well-maintained turfs can suffer from lawn fatigue, climate stressors, and excessive use. Here in Mebane, we enjoy our backyards, using them for summer play, barbecues, and entertainment. An overabundance of foot traffic, lawn mowing, and large lawn equipment can put a heavy burden on your soil, causing it to become compacted and unable to absorb essential vitamins, nutrients, water, and oxygen. When your grass roots are unable to obtain the substances they need, your turf will begin to suffocate. This may result in bare, patchy spots throughout your lawn and grass that looks weak and severely dry.

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Benefits of Lawn Aeration

Our professional lawn aeration services in Mebane help break up the soil by punching small holes in it, allowing vital nutrients, water, sunlight, and oxygen to permeate throughout. Your roots then transfer these elements to your grass, producing a fuller, healthier, green lawn. But the benefits don’t end there. Using only the most innovative technology, we offer two types of aeration, core aeration, and aera-vation. Both involve using machines to strategically dig holes in your lawn to break up thatch and compacted soil. However, core aeration brings plugs to the surface while AERA-vation stirs and loosens the sod.

Additional advantages of our lawn aeration in Mebane include:

  • Break down of thatch build-up.
  • Stronger, more durable roots.
  • Resistance to diseases and insect infestations.
  • Better drainage.
  • Less susceptible to drought.

Through the personalized relationship we build with you, we will work together to determine which of these two highly beneficial procedures we will use on your turf.

High-Quality Lawn Seeding Services in Mebane

Typically following aeration, the professional team at Superior Green offers a high-quality seeding service. We will correct thin patches of grass with our super-performance tall fescue seed. Our lawn seeding in Mebane is conducted in the fall when the temperatures begin to cool off. 

Your lawn will benefit from the following:

  • A more lush appearance with dense grass blades.
  • Reduction in the number of lawn diseases and lawn surface insects.
  • Less erosion keeping water inside the soil.
  • Less need for chemicals, including pesticides.

When Is Lawn Aeration and Seeding Necessary?

At Superior Green, we believe that along with proper mowing practices, having your lawn aerated is the most important thing you can do for your yard. We suggest having lawn aeration performed annually or at least every other year. While it can be done anytime during the growing season, here in Mebane, we recommend having it performed along with seeding in the fall. There may be other times when your yard is in need of this favorable service.

Ways to tell if your soil is compacted include:

  • Bare, thin, patchy areas of grass.
  • Water run-off or pooling water.
  • Bare dirt where nothing will grow, not even weeds.
  • Grass blades that appear dehydrated.

Get a Free Inspection

Unsure if your soil is compacted? Want confirmation you require lawn aeration? Leave it to the experts. Our carefully trained and experienced lawn care professionals are familiar with the types of grasses grown in North Carolina and what to look for when determining appropriate courses of action.


Service Areas

A locally owned and operated company, all of our technicians are licensed, trained, and certified. We can address any lawn condition with our specialty turf care treatments, innovative methods, and high-quality products, all at an affordable price. We service the following areas:

Chapel Hill
5 Star Review

Quality lawn service with great results

Pete Symonds
5 Star Review

Allen has been great with my lawn service. I would recommend him and his service to anyone. Top notch!

david pratt
5 Star Review

Extremely professional and very knowledgeable about lawn and sod care. The services he provide are first class. You will always receive a notice the day prior to application. Automated invoice and payment. Highly recommend him!

Elliott Marks
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